Here are some frequently asked questions from organizations applying for grants.

Should you have further questions, please reach out to us on our Contact Page.

+What type of organizations does the Tracy Family Foundation (TFF) award grants to?

The Tracy Family Foundation provides grants to schools, government agencies, and public charities that have tax exempt status under Section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code. Each TFF Grant Program has specific eligibility requirements. The Foundation does not award grants to individuals.

+Who can apply for the various Tracy Family Foundation grant programs?

Formal Funding Grants: Any qualified organization located in the Illinois counties of Adams, Brown, Cass, Greene, Hancock, McDonough, Morgan, Pike, Schuyler, and Scott. Applications for organizations located outside those counties are by invitation only.

Capacity Building Grants: Organizations that are located in the Illinois counties of Adams, Brown, Cass, Greene, Hancock, McDonough, Morgan, Pike, Schuyler, and Scott or have received a Formal Funding grant from TFF in the past five years are eligible.

Brown County Public Schools Grant Fund: Teachers and Administrators of Brown County K-12 schools.

Catholic Schools Grants: Catholic Schools located in the Illinois counties of Adams, Brown, Cass, Greene, Hancock, McDonough, Morgan, Pike, Schuyler, and Scott. Additional Catholic Schools by invitation only.

Matching Grants: TFF Trustees, full-time Staff Members, and Tracy Family members age 16 and over.

Next Generation Grants: Next Generation Tracy family members age 5-30.

Volunteer Incentive Program Grants: Next Generation Tracy family members age 5-30.

+What types of requests will the Foundation consider funding?

Formal Funding grant requests must target education, youth, families, mental health, or Brown County.

Capacity Building grants are intended to increase organizational effectiveness. The Foundation will consider requests that are targeted at such areas as strategic planning, board development, leadership training, etc. Staff salaries are not an expense that will be funded for Capacity Building grants.

+How do I apply for a grant to the Tracy Family Foundation?

All applications must be submitted online. The Foundation does not accept hard copy applications by mail. You can learn more about our grant application process here.

+What if I am with an eligible organization and encounter trouble accessing the Pre-Application?

Please Contact Us. Our Grants Manager will contact you to help resolve the issue.

+What is the difference between a Pre-Application and a Grant Application?

The Pre-Application is short and does not require detailed information about your program or project. Pre-Applications are reviewed by TFF Staff to determine whether organizations are located within TFF’s funding Region and have a program or project that aligns with TFF’s Focus Areas. If an organization’s pre-application is approved, a link to a full application will be sent to the organization. The full grant application seeks more detailed information about organizations and their program or project.

+What happens if my Pre-Application is approved?

You will receive an email with a link to the full grant application and instructions from our Grants Manager.

+What is the funding timeline for the various grant programs?

You can find timelines for each grant program on the Due Dates and Process page.

+How much funding am I allowed to request?

There is no cap on the maximum amount an organization can request within our Formal Funding Grant Program. If you need assistance in discerning the best amount to apply for, please schedule a meeting with TFF Staff.

The maximum Capacity Building grant request is $5,000. In addition, for Capacity Building grant requests only, an organization must contribute a minimum of 10% cash of the requested amount. For example, if an organization requests $5,000 from TFF, your organization must provide $500 to the capacity building project. This cannot be an in-kind contribution, but must be cash.

+Will the foundation consider requests for projects that have already occurred?


+How often can an organization receive a Formal Funding or a Capacity Building Grant from TFF?

Unless given prior approval by the Foundation, an organization can only receive one Formal Funding grant per calendar year. Organizations can receive multiple Capacity Building grants per year up to a total of $5,000. We will not review any requests from organizations that have past due Final Impact Reports from previous grants.

+If I am not able to complete the entire grant application at one time can I save my work and return to the application later?

Yes. Click “Save and Proceed” and then you can close out of the grant application. To get back into the grant application, return to the TFF website and click “Apply for Grant”. Follow the prompts as if you are applying for a new grant. Enter your e-mail address and password. Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you get to the section “Applications Requiring Action”. Click on your application and resume working.

+Can I publicly announce my grant award?

If your organization would like to publicly announce your grant award, you must first e-mail the press release to Dan Teefey for approval.

+Who do I notify if I need to discuss a change to my grant expenses or if there is money left over from a grant?

Please Contact Us.

+Are Final Impact Reports required from organizations that receive a grant?

Formal Funding and Capacity Building grants require a Final Impact Report. This report is due within one year of funding. Your organization will not be considered for future funding if your Final Impact Report has not been submitted from a prior grant award.